Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych OPZZ – Poland
On the behalf of the co-beneficiary organization:
- Svaz podnikatelů ve stavebnictví (SPS) / Association of Building Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic (ABE)
for providing of interpretation service for project’s event organized online
on 16th March 2022
within the framework of the project: Contemporary Challenges of Employee Participation – Opposing the Negative Results of Covid-19
Section I Contracting party
Address 36/40 Kopernika street, 00-924 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone +48 22 551 55 00
E-mail address pe@opzz.org.pl
Section II Description and scope of services. Obligations of service provider.
Providing of interpreters for simultaneous interpretation for the following project’s events:
Reflection on Thematic Workshops on 16.03.2022
- Simultaneous interpretation in the following languages: Polish, Spanish, Romanian, Czech, Lithuanian, Estonian (or Russian) 10 interpreters
- 5 interpreting booths with Technical conference
- Technical support for connection online of online platform for the meeting, coordination of the registration of the participant and interpretation online and video recording.
Section III Term of services
The service provider is expected to respect the following deadlines:
– The offer shall not require a prepayment
– The invoice for the services should be issued up to 14 days from the date of the meeting
– The time limit for payment of the final invoice must not be shorter than 30 days
Section IV Submission of proposals
The proposal should be submitted in writing until 09.03.2022 to the email address mentioned in Section I. Late proposals will not be accepted.
Service provider will be chosen until 10.03.2022.
Section V Conditions of participation
It is expected that the service provider has a minimum of 2 years of experience in performing services and has taken part in the implementation of a minimum of 3 international projects funded by the European Union.The professional experience of the company should be documented by appropriate statements and references. The professional experience of the interpreters should be documented by appropriate references and Curriculum Vitae.
Section VI Criteria of assessment of proposals
The contract will be awarded to the best proposal taking into account the best price-quality ratio.
Section VII Other information
Conflict of interest
In order to avoid conflict of interest the following persons and/or entities are excluded from this procedure:
- Beneficiary’s personnel and staff,
- family members and relatives of beneficiary and its key personnel,
- affiliated persons, companies and institutions,
- any persons, companies and institutions with shared economic interest and/or personal or equity relationship with Beneficiary.
The standard contract for services will not be negotiated by the Beneficiary. After signing the contract any major changes to the contract shall be excluded. A draft contract may be delivered via e-mail on request.
The service provides shall respect all rules and obligations required by the European Union, in particular those with regards to confidentiality, conflict of interests, liability, intellectual property rights, ownership of materials, checks, audits and evaluation.
Only complete offers will be evaluated. Partial proposals will be excluded.
Beneficiary does not allow subcontracting as a rule. All potential subcontractors should be notified and accepted by the Beneficiary prior to signing a contract for services.
On behalf of Beneficiary:
Radzikowski Andrzej